This is the first "horizon scale" image of a black hole. It was created using a "world sized" radio telescope.
Images are mainly found via APOD (click any image for more information). Others may be taken direct from NASA, ESA or via Wikipedia.
Images and other inclusions are present where licenses permit. Please see image information here and other links below.
- No cookies are used by this web site and no personal data is recorded by the company through this web site
- No personal data is retained by the company for any purposes apart from where a) You send it to us us in emails b) Data is required for developing client applications where this remains under the control of the client and is deleted as soon as there is no development need for it to be retained
- If we have received one or more emails from you and you wish some or all to be deleted, please contact us (see email link further down this page)
- If you believe we have, or had, information pertaining to you, please contact us (see email link further down this page)
- Our policy is to delete all data within a reasonable time of it ceasing to be needed based on the original reason for its retention (although it may exist for a while after that in backups)
- Client controlled data used for development purposes is not backed up
- We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (Reg: ZB235640) at our registered offices (see below)
P2 Controllers acknowledges that any trademarks, registered trademarks, service marks, and related branding marks used on this web site are all the legal property of their respective owners.
Note - P2 Controllers Ltd. is not responsible for information or data on external web sites.
Development of the site was done using Visual Studio Code, node.js/npm, live-server.
The CSS for this site should have been courtesy of PaperCSS and indeed was for the initial development, but then I found that PaperCSS doesn't work with IE11 or Edge so after some (failed) debugging, the site moved to vanilla (at the time of writing) Bootstrap 4 quite quickly. CSS info for "Off site" links found via electrictoolbox and much information found over the years via stackoverflow of course.
The separate CSS used for IE8 and IE9 is very basic but adequate - maybe that should be 'functional'.
Initially the site is pure HTML/CSS and only Bootstrap JS, but it will be converted to NodeJS/express as time allows.
Steve Goodwin / P2 Controllers Ltd. can be contacted on via contact at p2cl.co.uk.
We are based just off the A1 in Lincolnshire, with good access to the bulk of the country by road, rail and air, and we have good live communications facilities via Slack, TeamViewer, Zoom and similar.
P2 Controllers Ltd. is registered in England number 1907206 at 24 Landport Terrace, PO1 2RG - Vat Registration No. GB 441-9513-54 - ICO Reg ZB235640.